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Here is a list of updates:
August 2011 - Plan is the same as the last time with a warm up party on Friday and dinner and a DJ on Saturday. August 19 - Meet at Savoy Restaurant, E Dominick Street, Rome starting at 6:00 (No cost) August 20 - Buffet Dinner at Wood Valley Ski Lodge, Route 46, Western starting at 5:00 (Cost:$35) Questions: Call Richard Coriale at 315-337-5247 Send Money to Richard Coriale, 108 E Sycamore Street, Rome, NY 13440 by August 12, 2011 Do you know any of our missing classmates? Missing Classmates
Get details on RFA reunion parties and local news
Our 25th year reunion is going to be the best yet
A survey form is available for you to help us start planning the 25th reunion, scheduled for the summer of 2006. Go to the What's New Page. |